Below is a sample list of permissible expenses reimbursable through a full scope Healthcare Flexible Spending Account
(FSA) that is incurred by you, your spouse, or qualified dependents. Please note, a limited purpose Healthcare FSA only allows dental and vision expenses.
Medical Expenses
- Acupuncture
- Artificial limbs
- Bandages
- Birth control, contraceptive devices
- Birthing classes/Lamaze – only the mother’s portion (not the coach/spouse) and the class must
- be only for birthing instruction, not child rearing
- Blood pressure monitor
- Blood sugar test kits/test strips
- Chiropractic therapy/exams/adjustments
- Contact lens and contact lens solutions
- Co-payments
- Crutches (purchased or rented)
- Deductible and co-insurance
- Diabetic supplies
- Eye exams
- Eyeglasses, contacts, or safety glasses, prescription only (warranties are not reimbursable)
- Flu shots
- Hearing aids and hearing aid batteries (warranties are not reimbursable)
- Heating pad
- Incontinence supplies
- Infertility treatments
- Insulin
- Lactation expenses (breast pumps, etc.)
- Laser eye surgery; LASIK
- Legal sterilization
- Medical supplies to treat an injury or illness
- Mileage to and from doctor appointments
- Nasal strips
- Optometrist’s or ophthalmologist’s fees
- Orthopedic inserts
- Physicals
- Physical therapy (as medical treatment)
- Physician’s fee and hospital services
- Pregnancy test
- Prescription drugs and medications
- Psychotherapy, psychiatric and psychological service
- Reading glasses
- Sales tax on eligible expenses
- Services connected with donating an organ
- Sleep apnea services/products (as prescribed)
- Smoking cessation programs
- Treatment for alcoholism or drug dependency Vaccinations
- Wrist supports, elastic wraps
- X-ray fees
OTC Medicines and Drugs
Other than insulin, in the past, over-the-counter (OTC) medicines and drugs required a prescription from your physician to be reimbursable. Effective January 1, 2020, however, a doctor’s prescription is not necessary.
- Bengay, Flexall, pain relieving creams or gels
- Calamine lotion
- Canker/cold sore relievers
- Cold medicines
- Corn removal
- Diaper rash ointment
- GasX, baby gas drops
- Hemorrhoid creams and treatments
- Hydrogen Peroxide or rubbing alcohol
- Indigestion or anti-acid relievers
- Laxatives
- Nicotine patch
- Pain relievers (Tylenol, Advil, Aspirin, etc.)
- Sinus medicines
- Suppositories
- Teething gel
- Wart removal medication
Menstrual Care Products
- Tampons
- Pads
- Liners
- Cups
- Sponges
Dental Expenses
- Braces and orthodontic services
- Cleanings
- Crowns
- Deductibles, co-insurance
- Dental implants
- Dentures, adhesives
- Fillings
For the Disabled
- Automobile equipment and installation costs for a disabled person in excess of the cost of an ordinary automobile; device for lifting a mobility impaired person into an automobile
- Braille books/magazines in excess of cost of regular editions
- Note-taker for a hearing impaired child in school
- Seeing eye dog (buying, training, and maintaining)
- Special devices, such as a tape recorder or typewriter for a visually impaired person
- Visual alert system in the home or other items such as a special phone required for a hearing impaired person
- Wheelchair or autoette (cost of operating/maintaining)
Requiring Additional Documentation
The following expenses are eligible only when incurred to treat a diagnosed medical condition. Such expenses require a
Letter of Medical Necessity from your physician, containing the medical necessity of the expense, diagnosed condition,
onset of condition, and physician’s signature.
- Ear plugs
- Massage treatments
- Nursing services for care of a special medical ailment
- Orthopedic shoes (excess cost of ordinary shoes)
- Oxygen equipment and oxygen
- Support hose
- Varicose vein treatment
- Veneers
- Vitamins and supplements
- Wigs (for mental health condition of individual who loses hair because of a disease)
Dependent Care Expenses
- Day camp (primary purpose must be custodial care and not educational in nature)
- Dependent care expenses that are necessary for you (and your spouse) to work, actively look for work, or attend school full-time
- Dependent care for children under the age of 13 or for elderly dependents who reside with you
- FICA/FUTA taxes of day care provider
- Late pick-up fees
- Nanny expenses attributed to dependent care
- Nursery school (preschool)
- Registration fees (allocated to dependent care services)
Does not cover medical costs; use Healthcare FSA for medical expenses incurred by you or your dependents.
Ineligible Medical Expenses
- Athletic mouth guards
- Auto insurance providing medical coverage
- Chapstick/lip balm
- Contributions to state disability funds
- Cosmetic surgery, dentistry, or other cosmetic procedures
- Cosmetic supplies (makeup, cleansers, moisturizers, etc.)
- Deodorant
- Dental floss
- Diaper service
- Diet (cost of special foods taken as substitute for regular diet)
- Dietary and fiber supplements Divorce (when recommended by doctor or psychiatrist)
- Distilled water purchased to avoid drinking fluoridated city water or for use in medical equipment
- Domestic help (companion, babysitter, chauffeur who primarily renders services of a non-medical nature)
- Electrolysis/hair removal
- Exercise equipment and fees
- Eye drops for general comfort
- Eyeglass cases
- Hand sanitizer
- Health club or athletic club membership fees
- Herbal supplements
- Illegal treatment or medication
- Insurance premiums, all types
- Lanyards
- Lotions or skin moisturizers
- Marriage counseling
- Maternity clothes
- Mattress
- Medicare premiums
- Medicated shampoos, conditioners, and soaps
- Mobile telephone used for personal and physician calls
- Nursemaids or practical nurses who render general care for healthy infants
- Pajamas/slippers purchased to wear in hospital
- Personal use items (toothbrush, pillow, shampoo, mattress, etc.)
- Physical treatment unrelated to specific health problems (massage for general well-being, stress, depression, or chiropractic wellness)
- Premiums for coverage through other medical plans (spouse’s employer-sponsored plan or individual plan)
- Safety glasses (non-prescription)
- Special foods purchased to replace nutrition or for general health needs (such as diet foods)
- Sunglasses (nonprescription) and sun clips
- Teeth whitening products
- Toiletries
- Toothbrush (includes prescribed electric ones) and toothpaste
- Vacuum cleaner purchased by an individual with dust allergy
- Vitamins and supplements for well-being
- Warranties
- Weight loss drugs/programs for general well being