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Enrollment Instructions


To enroll participants in benefits, please send EMPOWER an enrollment file by following these steps:

  1. Download an Enrollment template file
  2. Complete the enrollment template file using the below instructions
  3. Return the completed enrollment template file via secure email to

Enrollment Template Instructions

The enrollment template contains the following tabs:


Instructions Contains a link to this instruction page
Demographic Enter demographic information for all participants in this tab. All participants entered in other tabs must also be entered in this tab.
Banking Enter the Bank Account information for all consumers in this tab. This is required if the Employer does not allow EMPOWER to issue checks from the Employer’s account for reimbursement. This tab is optional if check reimbursement is allowed.
Dependents Enter information for all covered spouses and dependents of employees enrolled in a Family HRA (this is required). This information is not needed for other plan types.
FSA Enroll your FSA participants in this tab.
HSA Enroll your HSA participants in this tab.
HRA Enroll your HRA participants in this tab.
SpHRA Enroll your Spousal Incentive HRA participants in this tab.
QSEHRA Enroll your Qualified Small Employer HRA participants in this tab.
Commuter Benefits Enroll your Commuter Benefits Account participants in this tab.
Prior Year Balances If this is your first Plan Year with EMPOWER and you would like EMPOWER to administer the runout from your Prior Administrator, enter the prior year elections and balances in this tab. Please note that all participants in this tab must also appear in the Demographic Tab.

General Notes

  • Each tab contains example rows to use as a reference. You may delete these rows if you wish. EMPOWER will not import these example rows.
  • Some of the column headers contain formatting tips.

Important Note about HSAs

  • Please provide an email address for all participants. Participants without an email address will be mailed a monthly paper statement at a cost of $10 per month.

Important Note about HRAs

  • All covered dependents and spouses on Family HRAs must be included in the Dependents tab.


  1. Enter the demographic information for each participant in the Demographics tab. Entering a participant on this tab will create them in the EMPOWER system, but will not enroll them in any plans.
  2. Enroll participants by entering them in the appropriate tab(s). A participant enrolled in multiple plans should be entered in multiple tabs.