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Consumer HSA Requirements

The following items must be completed to activate a Consumer’s HSA account:

  1. Consumer acceptance of the HSA Terms and Conditions
  2. Consumer Identity Verification

HSA Terms and Conditions

Consumers must accept the HSA Terms and Conditions to activate their HSA accounts. Consumers may accept these terms via the Consumer Portal or via a downloadable form.

Via the Consumer Portal

  1. Log into the Consumer Portal
  2. The first time that a Consumer enrolled in an HSA logs in, they will be shown the Agreements screen.
    1. Click on Read and agree next to each agreement
    2. Read the agreement and scroll down to the bottom
    3. Click the I have read and agree checkbox
  3. Accept each agreement and click Submit

Via the Downloadable Form

Consumers who do not have access to the Consumer Portal may request a paper form from the Employer to submit to Empower.

  1. Download the form for the Consumer
  2. The Consumer should read and sign the form
  3. The Employer or the Consumer can return the form electronically to

Consumer Identity Verification

Empower must verify the identity of all HSA Consumers. Many times, this is performed without any further action from the Consumer or Employer. Click here for additional information